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Monday, May 16, 2011

Chambord Flavored Vodka - drink pink

Consider this spirit a ready made Chambord vodka martini. Chambord has combined their venerable black raspberry liqueur with a French vodka, their first venture into developing new spirits. Is this a marketing ploy to prop up sagging sales? Yup. Is this product aimed at getting more women drinkers? How could it not be with the marketing slogan "Pink your Drink?" Couldn't you make this at home by simply combining Chambord with your favorite vodka? Probably.

But with all of that, I have to say that this product is quite good. Chambord has achieved an excellent balance of vodka and Chambord, so that you taste the smoothness of the vodka while also getting some delicate flavors of black raspberry, vanilla and even cotton candy. It's quite light, yet flavorful. The bottle comes with some really basic cocktail recipe ideas whose main intent seems to be to dilute the flavor as much as possible (e.g. simply mix it with lots of club soda or ginger ale). Ignore the recipes because  want you really want to do is put this bottle in the freezer and pull it out for an instant Chambord vodka martini. Great on a hot day or on a day when you wish it would stop raining. It's available at Washington state liquor stores state-wide, the Liquor Control Board's effort, I guess, to pink everyone's drink.

By the way, the bottle in the picture looks clouded because it just came out of the freezer.

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