The first time I tasted this, I thought, "This is the next big thing in liqueurs." The goji berry grows in Asia (this liqueur comes from the Himalayans) and is purported to have enormous heath benefits because of its high antioxidant and vitamin content.
WebMD lists an impressive number of these benefits including preventing cancer and heart disease, protecting vision, lowering cholesterol, slowing aging, boosting brain health, protecting against Alzheimer's, increasing mental well-being, promoting happiness, improving athletic performance and making the blind to see and the lame to walk. Okay, the last two I added, but this list of benefits is truly of biblical proportions. Plus it's fair trade certified and handcrafted in France. How could this not be huge?
So I eagerly sought out another taster to verify my view that this liqueur is going to be the biggest thing since Justin Bieber. She took one sip and announced that it tasted like cough syrup. So there you go - one person's super liqueur is another person's cough syrup.
I actually like the taste of this liqueur. It's not too sweet, has lots of berry flavors, especially cherry and some strawberry. And yes, it does have some cough syrup characteristics, but really only in a good way.
I haven't tried any cocktails using this liqueur, though you can find a number of recipes at this annoyingly
Flash-addled site. The availability of Fair Goji is quite limited in Seattle since it's only available at 3 Seattle stores (4th Ave, University Village and Crown Hill) and 1 Everett store. It costs about $27 for a 375 ML bottle. Drinking the next big thing isn't cheap.
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